Our official words for our value ‘We are catalysts for change’ are:   

We inspire, motivate and empower ourselves and others to accelerate meaningful progress. We collaborate to bring about change. Whether we’re working quietly behind the scenes or seamlessly integrating with a clients’ team, our approach is driven by our commitment to always leave a lasting impact. We hit the ground running, and we bring people along with us as we go, ensuring ideas, feedback and information flow freely throughout.   

To us, Catalyst for Change means:   

  being the catalyst that ignites positive change
– collaborating with purpose: at pace, and with agility 
– drawing on past experiences to enhance efficiency and success 
– treating colleagues and partners with respect  

And we take pride in being those catalysts for change – the entity that initiates and accelerates progress, growth, and improvement. This value pushes us to stay ahead of the curve, adapt to market dynamics, and meet evolving customer needs effectively. It prevents stagnation and promotes a forward-thinking, agile mindset across the industries we work in. The word “catalyst” resonates deeply with us because it represents our role as a driving force behind transformation and innovation. We love the “change” aspect too, because it adds depth – signifying our commitment to accelerating positive growth and continuous improvement, not just within our organisation but across the broader business landscape.  

Many of our smart/tasking projects are transformation ones, particularly within our smart/consult service, and this is where we see ourselves as catalysts for change most frequently. Take our client, a government innovation unit created to solve public security and safety challenges. Bringing together expertise from industry and academia, their aim is to innovate collaboratively and deliver front-line impact. However, the unit’s multiple stakeholders (across government departments and public service providers) were slowing the pace of delivery, and this was having a knock-on effect on its culture.  

They needed outside support to bring a fresh perspective and be that catalyst for change! We kicked off with a culture calibration workshop which helped all of us see more clearly what changes needed to be made and how. We asked everyone what was working well and what wasn’t working at all, and then armed with the information that had come directly from senior stakeholders and team members themselves, we crafted a new and compelling narrative to get everyone back on the same side. We realigned values and behaviours with a new vision statement that suited the business in that moment and brought everything to life with a powerful communications plan. The result is a brilliant team of people really owning and growing their culture, where returning clients are the norm and communication is strong and transparent.  

We work hard to deeply understand the businesses we work with and deliver our promises. We are outcome obsessed and confident in our approach, and we like to say that we always leave a business in a better place than how we first found it. That is how we are catalysts for change.  

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